Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Visit Home

We are halfway through March (eek!) and it's time for a little update. This past weekend I went home to see my family and friends in WI/MN. It was a wonderful few days and I'm so thankful I was able to spend them with so many wonderful people.

Friday morning Matthew drove me to the airport. My flight left at 7am so I figured if I got there by 6, I would be okay (I'd already checked in). How wrong I was....apparently every college student (and I do mean everyone) was flying out somewhere for spring break. The line for security was insane!! Thankfully I chose the alternate checkpoint which, even though the line was out the door, was moving quickly. I did have to run to catch my flight but it was a small plane and I made it! One teeny, tiny plane flight later, I landed in Minneapolis. Got myself a coffee from Caribou and made my way to the shuttle pick up spot. The driver was someone I knew from EC! I almost didn't believe it! Took the shuttle home to EC where Mom was waiting for me. We stopped up at the hospital to see my dad very briefly then headed home. We made some lunch, took naps and went for a walk. That night I went out to Hobbsy's with my awesome friends from high school. I had never been to that bar before and was pleasantly surprised!
Me and my girls <3 br="">
Saturday morning Mom, Dad and I headed down to Madison to see Jake, Kayla and Rowan!! We hung out at their apartment and attempted to take a walk around the capital and State Street. Unfortunately it was raining by the time we got their so we didn't stay out very long because of Rowan (he's been sick and that would have made it worse). Mom and Dad went back to the hotel and I went with Jake and Kayla. We chilled, watched a little TV and played with Rowan.  Poor guy was so tired but wouldn't fall asleep. For dinner we went to Rocky Rococo's which was awesome!!! I haven't had their pizza since like 2004 and it did NOT disappoint!! After dinner, we walked over the hotel and took Rowan swimming for the first time! I wish I could have captured his face because it was so cute. He didn't cry or freak out, just looked like "what is this?! I'm not sure how I feel about this" After his lips started to turn a little blue, he got all swaddled up, changed and Jake and Kayla went home. Mom, Dad and I watched some TV, set our clocks ahead and called it a night:)
Rowan smiling

Rowan chewing on his moustache pacifier:)
Sunday morning we got up and had brunch at the wonderful Club Tavern where Jake works on the weekend. Their brunch was very tasty and the atomosphere was very family friendly. I can see why Jake likes working there:) After brunch, Mom, Dad and I hit the road back to EC. I took the shuttle back to the Cities and Clarissa picked me up! We went to Cowboy Jacks and hung out with Christina. What a wonderful way to end the weekend--hanging out with two of my favorites! Spent the night at Rissa's place and in the morning she took me over to Kirsten's house, where I hung out until my flight left Monday afternoon. Kirsten and I chatted and went to lunch at Potbelly (they seriously need to get one in the Pittsburgh area) and she drove me to the airport. 

What a wonderful weekend! I'm so lucky to have amazing friends and family!! Thank you to everyone who let me crash at their place, who drove me around and who just spent time with me:) I can't wait to move back to Minnesota and be able to see all of you more often!

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