Saturday, April 16, 2011

One of the hardest things about living in Pittsburgh and being so far away from friends and family, is not being able to see them very often. This week, after playing a lot of phone tag, I finally had phone dates with three of my favorites! It's wonderful to be talking to a friend and not realize that an hour has gone by and you both still have things to talk about. When I talk to Emma, I get incredibly homesick; homesick for EC, homesick for Minneapolis, homesick for things I've been familiar with since I was a little girl.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm content with living in Pittsburgh for the moment. I've got employment that is satisfying, a wonderful fiancée, a nice apartment, a crazy/cute cat and a safe neighborhood. Sometimes it's just hard to keep in contact with everyone, especially because they're also super busy:) I wish they'd hurry up and invent lightspeed (like in Star Wars) so I can go into Hyperdrive and be in EC in 10 seconds. That would be wonderful!

However, I will be traveling home in May for a wedding and doing some of our own wedding planning! I can't wait!!!!

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