Today it is snowing, yet again in Pittsburgh. Personally, I'm a fan of winter, winter activities and being outside. I am not, however, a fan of driving on twisty-turny roads with two-wheel drive and limited experience. Also, it's almost March, can the snow just end, please? Besides, the city doesn't know what to do with itself. Needless to say, I stayed home from school today. I was supposed to be in for an aide at Burchfield Primary but I was just super worried about getting there, especially because there isn't a "nice" way to get there. I'll miss out on the money, but personally I'd rather be safe, just saying.
Last weekend was the Winter Party at CMU. Jessi, Matthew and I were on the decorating committee and spent many hours coordinating and organizing decorations/orders/flowers etc. Thankfully it didn't take us too long to take care of things on Saturday morning so we were able to have a few hours to get ready before dinner and the dancing. The Twentieth Century Club is stunning! Even the bathroom was decorated so lavishly. I loved it! It would be an awesome place to have a wedding reception! Lots of room to eat, dance and hallways and floors for kids to run around. After dinner there was dancing which quickly turned into Indian music hour; one of the Indian guys brought his iPod up to the DJ who continued to play that music just so people would be out there dancing. As Matthew said, "I think we were just out-cultured." We, the silly Americans, did the Macarena, Cupid Shuffle and Cha Cha Slide. I'll put some pictures up when I figure out how to upload pictures using Linux
Valentine's Day was very uneventful. Matthew had a migraine in the morning and I worked 1-9:30. I feel so horrible that he gets migraines and there's absolutely nothing I can do for him except bring him a glass of water, an extra blanket, tuck him into bed and leave him alone. He did go to the doctor last week and got some medicine to try. My friend Emily carries around Excedrin Migraine in her purse in case her finance(!!) Michael needs one. Last night Matthew asked me to carry one of his pills in my purse all the time, which I'll gladly do. I want him to not feel worse, especially if we're out and about.
My friend Emily got engaged on Valentine's Day!! Now I think proposing on Valentine's Day isn't the most original thing in the world, but they're doing the long distance thing and they weren't going to be seeing each other again until May, so it's totally warranted. I'm so excited for her and for Mike! They've been together for such a long time and I'm so glad that they're making wedding plans. October 1, 2011 can't come soon enough! She asked me to stand up for her and I feel truly honored and privledged to even be part of her special day. I'm also psyched because it means we'll talk at least once a month, which is great because both of us kinda suck at playing phone tag:) The only bad part is that I'm in Pittsburgh, far away from EC and the day to day planning. I can't just spurt-of-the-moment go wedding dress shopping with her, it has to be planned around when I'm home and stuff like that. I'm not going to be in EC again until May (Jake's graduation) but I'm going to do the very best I can from here because Emily deserves the very best. I can't wait :)
Some friends of Matthew and I are expecting their first child in September! It's weird to me that people our age are having babies; I mean I know that I very well could have a child by now, based on my age, but personally, I'm just not ready. It's all well and good (and totally normal) when my cousins have children but friends that I know having children just seems really out of the ordinary. I asked Jessi if she thought it was a little strange to have her friend Callie (who sounds amazing btw) having a baby and she admitted that at first it was a little strange. *phew* I'm not totally abnormal for thinking that. I mean N&A got married in October 2008, got a few pets, bought a house, have stable jobs...I guess a baby is the next step! Congrats to them and best of luck!
I can't believe the Olympics are over on Sunday. I must say that the past two weeks have been amazing; I'm so glad that I'm not in school, with homework, projects and studying to do (like I did in 2006) so I can enjoy the Games! Matthew and I watch them every night (for the most part). I got really sucked into Snowboard Cross, it was so interesting! I think I like the Winter Olympics better than the Summer Games; there are less sports, but I enjoy watching almost all of the sports/events (Curling, though a totally MN/WI sport, doesn't hold my attention the way skiing and snowboarding do...also Ice Dancing could totally be removed from the Winter Games, this coming from a girl who actually likes Figure Skating). It will definitely be interesting to watch the Summer Games in London. I'm wondering where on earth they are going to fit all of the incoming athletes and spectators, since London is already a really busy city.
In nerd updates, I switched my computer to use Linux instead of Windows as an operating system. So far, so good. My dinosaur of a computer, okay it's from 2005, is running a little faster than it was with Windows, but I'm sure that I'm going to have to get a new one within the next year. Here's to the winning the lottery (or maybe the job lottery).
Last night Matthew, John, Jessi and I went to see Broadway Rocks with Marvin at the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. It was an absolutely wonderful show and Heinz Hall is a stunning building, inside and out! The orchestra was accompanied with 4 phenomenal vocalists who have been on Broadway!
Check it out! I loved it and got to be really nerdy about musicals, surrounded by other people who were excited about them as well. I spotted this show in July last year when I was looking for cool stuff to do in Pittsburgh. Thank goodness we actually got to go!
I'm wishing and thinking Spring. Hopefully it'll arrive shortly, without flooding the entire city when all of the snow melts! Spring!